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Thursday, April 7, 2011



The processor is the brain or engine of a PC, sometimes called microprocessors or even central processing unit (CPU), which perform calculation (ALU function) and the processing system. 
When we mention the word "processor", it often is imagined then the image processor manufacturers, such as Intel, AMD, VIA / Cyrix and others. Then followed by a series of product output and information about the speed, such as the Pentium 4 to 2.4 GHz,
-AMD 64 Athlon 3200 +, Pentium-M Centrino, 2.0GHz Celeron, Cyrix III-
600MHz and others.
There are 2 class processor that was circulated at today's consumers, namely:
  1. Class Mainstream / Power / Performance / High-End Processor that represented by the Pentium processor family (II, III, & 4) from Intel and family Athlon (Thunderbird, XP, Sempron) from AMD. 
  2. Class Value / Low-End Processor represented by Intel Celeron, AMD Duron, VIA Cyrix and Transmeta.
What makes the class difference is speed, and features the number of cache memorynya.
  • L1 cache is a small amount of SRAM memory used as the cache that is integrated within the same module on the processor. L1 This cache is locked at the same speed on the processor. Function to temporarily store instructions and data and ensuring processor has a stable supply of data to be processed, while memory capture and store new data.
  • L2 cache consisting of SRAM chips located near the processor, but for the latest processor generations onchip L2 cache (already fused with processor). L2 cache has the same function as the L1 cache and better known as secondary cache more speed lower than the L1 cache (but larger capacity) 

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